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Symbols of Daegu

  • City Emblem

    The official Daegu City logotypes are provided in Korean, Chinese and English and were designed to be used in harmony with the city’s emblem.

    Designation date: October 10, 1996.
  • City Logotypes

    The official Daegu City logotypes are provided in Korean, Chinese and English and were designed to be used in harmony with the city’s emblem.

    Designation date: October 10, 1996.
  • Bird of Daegu / Eagle

    The eagle represents the progressive spirit of frontierism shown by Daegu’s citizens.

    Designation date: July 1, 1983.
  • Tree of Daegu / Fir

    The fir symbolizes the courage, everlastingness and nobility of Daegu’s citizens.

    Designation date: July 18, 1972
  • Flower of Daegu / Magnolia

    The magnolia represents the values of innocence, purity and self-sacrifice to which Daegu’s citizens aspire.

    Designation date: July 18, 1972