In order to live in Korea and understand Korean culture, it will be necessary to study the Korean language. The Multicultural Family Support Center, the Korea Support Center for Foreign Workers and many other language institutes provide education to foreigners living in this country.
Language Institute of Kyungpook National University
- Education period: 4 semesters in 1 year, 40 weeks, daily 4 hours from Monday to Friday
- Classes: beginner, middle- and high-level classes, preparation class for students seeking to enter college and graduate school
- Curricula: grammar, writing, reading, speaking, pop quizzes, hands-on activities for Korean culture
- Address: 1370 Sangeok-dong, Buk-gu, Daegu
- Inquiry: 82-53-950-6731-3,
Catholic University of Daegu
- Education period: 4 semesters in 1 year, daily 4 hours from Monday to Friday
- Classes: beginner, middle-, high-level and research classes
- Curricula: vocabulary, grammar, sentence structure, speaking, listening, reading, writing, special activities, field strips and hands-on activities for Korean culture
- Address: Language Education Center (2F) of Catholic University of Daegu, 330 Geumrak-ri, Hayang-eup, Gyeongsan-si, Gyeongsangnam-do
- Inquiry: 82-53-850-3767,
Korean Language and Cultural Center of Keimyung University
- Education period: daily 4 fours from Monday to Friday, 200 hours in a 10-week semester
- Classes: 1-4 grades depending on students’ proficiency
- Curricula: reading, listening, speaking and writing. Field trips and hands-on activities for Korean culture available every month
- Address: 2800 Dalgubeol-daero, Dalseo-gu, Daegu
- Inquiry: 82-53-580-6353,
Korean Language Institute of Yeungnam University
- Period: five days per week (Monday~Friday), four hours per day, 240 class hours over 10 weeks per each semester.(spring: March~May, summer: June~August, autumn: September~November, winter: November~February)
- Courses: diverse levels of classes from level 1 to 6.
- Contents: vocabulary and grammar, sentence structure, speaking, listening, reading, writing, special activities, field trips and cultural experience programs.
- Address: 280, Daehak-ro, Gyeongsan-si, Gyeongbuk, Korea
- Inquiries : 82-53-810-7863,
Korean Language Education Center of Daegu University
- Period: five days per week (Monday~Friday), four hours per hour, 10 weeks per each semester.
- Courses: diverse academic standards from level 1 to 6.
- Contents: systematic guidance, including grammar, vocabulary, listening, speaking and writing.
- Address: Korean Language Education Center of Daegu University, 201 Daegudae-ro, jillyang-eup, Gyeongsan-si, Gyeongbuk, Korea
- Inquiries: 82-53-850-5692,
Daegu YMCA
- Education period: 48 weeks in 4 semesters (winter: Jan.-March, spring: April-June, summer: July-Sept., autumn: Oct.-Dec.)
- Classes: morning, afternoon and weekend classes
- Curricula: Korean class (every week), speaking class, intensive class (twice a week), topic preparation class
- Address: 116 Deoksan-dong, Jung-gu, Daegu
- Inquiry : 82-53-255-0218、