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Stable Environment for Labor and Management Relations

Stable Environment for Labor and Management Relations

Best city for labor-management cooperation and mutual growth

  • First city in Korea to receive official Presidential Recognition for three consecutive years

First city in Korea to establish a "Labor and Management Harmony Hall"

  • Construction of the hall in November 2021 within the Daegu International Industrial Complex
  • Symbols, Labor Industry History Hall, Labor-Management Mutual Growth Hall, Job Training Hall, etc.

Daegu Labor-Management-Government Mutual Growth Agreement for Job Promotion

  • Signing of the first Daegu Mutual Growth Agreement for Job Promotion (June 2019)
    • ERAE AMS (automobile parts) labor and management – Agreement signed by Daegu Metropolitan City, the Economic, Social & Labor Council (ESLC), and area banks (with the exception of the Korea Development Bank)
  • Signing of the first Daegu Mutual Growth Agreement for Job Promotion (November 2021)
    • Innovation of industrial structure and the promotion of job creation through technological innovation and mutual growth, the establishment of advanced labor-management relations, and the fostering of talented youths
    • Agreement between labor, management, local residents, and government entities signed by 11 firms and organizations, including Daedong Mobility