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Foreign Resident shall mean a foreigner who resides and works in Daegu Metropolitan City ( Region hereinafter) for a period not less than 90 days a year, or a foreigner and his/her children who have attained the Korean citizenship, who is new to the Korean language, culture and locality. 2. The term  Multicultural Family means such a family under any of the following. 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The term  Multicultural Family means such a family under any of the following. A member of the family has a marital relationship with a Korean nationaB`C dcesdloc DE@LLLG`dcesn@IH8!8!% J)R7J)/R7KKKGdlocB`)C Ordinance of Daegu Metropolitan City on DE@xxB`6CSupporting Foreign Resident and Multicultural Family D4E@ xxB`DE@LLLB`+C` (Enacted) Ordinance 4480, 10th April 2013 D E@hLLLB`DE@LLLB`D E@$LLLB`CChapter 1 General Provisions D E@0*LLLB`DE@/LLLB`(C%Article 1 (Purpose) The purpose of this ordinance is to support foreigners and multicultural families who reside in Daegu Metropolitan City to settle as a member of the community, by helping them to have stable family life and by organizing administrative supports for them to have independence. D  t E `5LLLO:LLL@LLL(FLLLB`DE@KLLLB`VC Article 2 (Definition) The terms used in this Ordinance shall be defined as follows: D  E@XQLLLB`DE@VLLLB`'C$1.  Foreign Resident shall mean a foreigner who resides and works in Daegu Metropolitan City ( Region hereinafter) for a period not less than 90 days a year, or a foreigner and his/her children who have attained the Korean citizenship, who is new to the Korean language, culture and locality. D`fE \LLLL bLLLgLLLPmLLLB`DE@rLLLB`SC` 2. The term  Multicultural Family means such a family under any of the following. D ExLLLH~LLLB`C"A member of the family has a marital relationship with a Korean national as stipulated in Article 2.3 of the Framework Act on Treatment of Foreigners Residing in the Republic of Korea, or attained the Korean nationality pursuant to Article 2 to Article 4 of the Nationality Act; DE LLL0&LHLLL0LLL0xLLL0B`zC@A family consisting of a member who has attained the Korean nationality pursuant to Article 2 to 4 of the Nationality Act DELLL0&HLLL0B`DE@@LLLB`C3. The term  Foreign Resident and Multicultural Family Support Organization means such a nonprofit corporation or institution, established with its main business being  the provision of support to foreign residents and multicultural families . D E تLLLMpLLLLLLLLLB`DE@8LLLB`TC Article 3 (Status and Responsibility of Foreign Resident and Multicultural Family) D E@LLLB`D E@hLLLB`C"Foreign Residents and Multicultural Family shall be entitled to use properties and public facilities of the Region, unless prohibited by other acts or ordinances, and they shall be given various administrative supports as same as they are given to the residents of the Region. D E LLLdSLLLd0LLLdLLLdB`DE@`LLLB`DE@LLLB`CArticle 4. (Duty of Mayor) DE@LLLB`DE@(LLLB`C The Mayor of the Region shall set policies to support Foreign Residents and Multicultural Families for their early settlement in the Region and for them to have stable family life ( Policy ). D. ELLL,&LLLL,LLL,B`xCThe Mayor shall use his best effort to provide a team, personnel and financial resources required to pursue the Policy. DE0 LLL,&OLLL,B`CThe Mayor shall use reasonable effort to procure that Foreign Residents and Multicultural Families could participate in the Region s administration as one of the community member. D6 E`LLL,&LLLL,!LLL,B`DE@('LLLB`,CArticle 5. (Establishment of Support Plan) DE@,LLLB`DE@X2LLLB`CThe Mayor shall establish, implement and evaluate the annual support plan for Foreign Residents and Multicultural Families ( Support Plan ). DE7LLL&N=LLLB`/CThe Support Plan shall cover following issues: DE@ CLLL&B`XC (1) Purpose and vision of the support for Foreign Residents and Multicultural Families; DEHLLLHNPNLLLHB`HC (2) Policy for support of Foreign Residents and Multicultural Families; DE@SLLLHB`C(3) Building the ground for sound international marriages, and education and promotion to improve understanding of various cultures; DEYLLLHM_LLLHB`\C (4) Financing and fund raising for support of Foreign Residents and Multicultural Families; DEdLLLHDHjLLLHB`C(5) Service link between the related teams and implementation of the inter-team collaboration system to ensure efficiency in support of Foreign Residents and Multicultural Families; DEoLLLHExuLLLH{LLLHB`FC(6) Implementation of the public-private sector collaboration system; DE@LLLHB`PC (7) Others as necessary to support Foreign Residents and Multicultural Families DE@LLLHG؋LLLHB`DE@pLLLB`C` The Mayor shall take into consideration the basic plans and the enforcement plans stated under the Framework Act on Treatment of Foreigners Residing in the Republic of Korea and the Multicultural Families Support Act in the establishment of the Support Plan. DE LLL&LLLL8LLLЧLLLB`DE@hLLLB`&CArticle 6. (Eligibility for Support) DE@LLLB`DE@LLL0B`CForeign Residents and Multicultural Families residing in the Region, except for those who do not have the legitimate status to stay in Korea pursuant to laws (such as the Immigration Control Act), shall be eligible to receive Support from the Region. DE 0LLL|PLLL|`LLL|LLL|B`DE@LLLHB`DE@(LLLB`CArticle 7. (Range of Support) DE@LLLB`DE@XLLLB`mC The range of Support available for Foreign Residents ( Support ) of the Region shall include the following: DELLL&OLLLB`hC (1) Support with learning of the Korean language and culture to help adapt to the local way of living; DE LLLHNLLLHB`IC (2) Consultation on hardship, living, legal matters, getting a job, etc; DE@PLLLHB`JC@ (3) Living shelter and emergency relief for disaster or disease victims; DE@LLLHB`>C(4) Organizing cultural/sports events for Foreign Residents; D* =E@LLLHB`%C(5) Others as approved by the Mayor DE@0 LLLHB`DE@LLLB`XC The range of Support available for Multicultural Families shall include the following: DE`LLL&LLLLB`bC@ Education on and promotion of the understanding of multicultural family for the general public DE!LLLH&H('LLLHB`yC Provision of basic information and education required for marriage immigrants for their adaption to the local community; DE,LLLH&CX2LLLHB`CSupport with learning of the Korean language, and provision of occupational training and job opportunities to marriage immigrants; DE7LLLH&?=LLLHB`cC` Protection and support for victims of domestic violence arising within the multicultural families; DE CLLLH&KHLLLHB``C Health services including support with pregnancy and child-birth of the multicultural families; DEPNLLLH&HSLLLHB`:C@Child care and schooling for the multicultural families; DE@YLLLH&B`RC@ Others as appropriate to ensure stable family life for the multicultural families DE_LLLH&IdLLLHB`DE@HjLLLB`_ C The Mayor shall provide budget required for the performance of the above provisions 1) and 2). DEoLLL&IxuLLLB`DE@{LLLB`:C@Article 8. (Participation to Policy by Foreign Resident) DE@LLLB`DE@@LLLB`!CThe Mayor shall ensure that Foreign Residents and Multicultural Families are given opportunities to participate in the Policy. DE؋LLL&MpLLLB`!CThe Mayor shall create conditions for Foreign Residents and Multicultural Families to actively participate in the local voluntary activities. DELLL&JLLLB`DE@8LLLB`DE@ЧLLLB`GCChapter 2. Foreign Resident and Multicultural Family Support Committee DE@hLLLB`DE@LLLB`(CArticle 9. (Establishment of Committee) DE@LLLB`DE@0LLLB`#CThe Mayor shall establish a  Support Committee for Foreign Resident and Multicultural Family of Daegu Metropolitan City ( the Committee ) to pursue the Support Policy in an efficient manner. DELLL&H`LLLLLLB`#C@#The Committee shall consist of up to 15 members including the Chairman, and more than half of the members shall be the commissioned members, provided that the sex ratio thereof shall be subject to the  Ordinance of Daegu Metropolitan City on Formation and Operation of Committees . DE LLL&L(LLLLLLXLLLB`?#CMembers of the Committee shall be selected from the following: DE@LLL&B`"C Official member: Deputy Mayor for Administrative Affairs of Daegu Metropolitan City, Director of Foreign Resident Support Team, and related officials of suitable position from District Office of Education, Police Department, Job Center, Immigration Office etc; DE LLLH&B LLLHLLLHPLLLHB`y"C /Commissioned members of the Committee shall be appointed by the Mayor or nominated by the Councilors of Daegu Metropolitan City among those who are part of academic, voluntary or other organizations that support foreign residents and multicultural families, and those foreign residents or members of multicultural families who have resided in the Region for more than 1 year. DE LLLH&FLLLH0 LLLHLLLH!`LLLHfLLLHB`DE@!LLLB`}$CThe Deputy Mayor for Administrative Affairs shall be the Chairman, and the Vice- Chairman shall be elected from the members. DE('LLL&K,LLLB`$C`The term of office of each commissioned member shall be two years, renewable for further one term, provided, that the term of office of a member who fills a vacancy shall be the remaining term of office of his/her predecessor. DEX2LLL&M7LLL=LLLB`$C The Committee shall have a secretary to handle administrative works of the Committee, and the Head of Administrative Works for Foreign Resident and Multicultural Family shall be the secretary. DE CLLL&KHLLLPNLLLB`DE@SLLLB`CArticle 10 (Function) The Committee shall discuss and advice on the following matters associated with the Support of Foreign Resident and Multicultural Family: D  uEYLLLN_LLLB`BC@Establishment, implementation and evaluation of the Support Plan; DE@dLLL0&B`FCCollaboration between the Support Plan and other plans of the Region; DE@HjLLL0&B`ECRealization of the  Building the Local Community Together campaign; DE@oLLL0&B`<CMatters associated with the Support under Article 7 hereof; D E@xuLLL0&B`:C@Others as approved necessary by the Mayor or the Chairman D E@{LLL0&B`DE@LLL0B`DE@@LLLB`2C@&Article 11. (Duty of Chairman) The Chairman shall represent the Committee and shall carry out such other functions as may be entrusted to him/her by the Committee. The Vice-Chairman shall assist the Chairman in his/her functions, and shall act on his/her behalf at meetings in the absence of the Chairman. D E ؋LLLNpLLLLLLLLLB`DE@8LLLB`CArticle 12. (Meeting) DE@ЧLLLB`DE@hLLLB`CThe Committee meetings ( Meeting ) shall include ordinary meetings which are held once a year, and extraordinary meetings which are called at any time at the request of the Chairman or the Mayor. DELLL&MLLL0LLLB`C A Meeting will be open with the attendance of more than half of the members and a decision is made with the consent of more than half of those attended. DELLL&L`LLLB`DE@LLLB`!C Article 13. (Hearing of Opinion) DE@LLLB`DE@(LLLB`CThe Committee may, where appropriate, allow officials or specialists related to the Support, to attend the Meeting to give opinions or provide data. DELLLTXLLLB`DE@LLLB`C Article 14. (Allowance) Allowances or travelling expenses may be paid within the set budget to the members who attend the Meeting, in accordance with the Ordinance of Daegu Metropolitan City on Formation and Operation of Committees. DELLLQ LLLLLLB`DE@PLLLB`|CArticle 15. (Removal of Member) The Mayor may remove the member of the Committee from office in any of the following cases: DELLLGLLLB`DE@0 LLLB`5CResignation of the member during the term of office; DE@LLLH&B`sC`Performance of duty as a member is affected by his death, emigration or illness that requires long term treatment; D E`LLLH&HLLLHB`=CDignity as a member is deemed injured to carry out his duty; D E@!LLLH&B`)C The member is sentenced to imprisonment; D E@('LLLH&B`C@The member is found to have exercised undue influence or made unreasonable requests by taking advantage of his position of power; D E,LLLH&>X2LLLHB`^C The member has not participated in the activities of the Committee for a long period of time. D E7LLLH&I=LLLHB`DE@ CLLLB`DE@HLLLB`0CChapter 3. Implementation of the Support Policy DE@PNLLLB`DE@SLLLB`*C@Article 16. (Pursuing the Support Policy) DE@YLLLB`DE@_LLLB`&CThe Mayor shall establish and implement annual plans to improve environment of the residential areas concentrated by Foreign Residents and Multicultural Families. DEdLLL&LHjLLLoLLLB`&C The Mayor shall establish the public-private sector service linkage and collaboration system to pursue the Support in an efficient way. DExuLLL&H{LLLB`&CThe Mayor may conduct a survey (including a census of the population of Foreign Residents and Multicultural Families, investigation on the status of areas concentrated by Foreign Residents and Multicultural Families, etc). D ELLL&H@LLL؋LLLB`&CThe Mayor may allocate a suitable level of budget required to implement the projects prescribed as above under the sub clauses 1 to 3. D EpLLL&LLLLB`&CThe Mayor may request other competent authorities for assistance in performing the projects prescribed as above under the sub clauses 1 to 3. The authority concerned, upon request, shall not withhold to give such assistance unreasonably. D E LLL&O8LLLЧLLLhLLLB`DE@LLLB`CC`Article 17. (Designation of  Multicultural Family Support Center ) DE@LLLB`DE@0LLL0B`C@The Mayor may form a  Multicultural Family Support Center ( the Center ) or designate an entity as the  Center , which is equipped with manpower and facilities required to provide the Support. DELLLdM`LLLdLLLdB`C@ DE@LLL0B`DE@(LLLB`C Article 18. (Assignment) DE@LLLB`DE@XLLLB`'CThe Mayor may assign the works under Article 7 hereof, in part or in whole, to the Center, where appropriate, in accordance with the Ordinance of Daegu Metropolitan City on Delegation and Control of Administrative Works to Civil Entity. DE LLLe&LLLLe LLLeLLLeB`'C The Mayor may grant a subsidy to the entity so appointed for operation, pursuant to the foregoing provision, within the budget. DEPLLLe&HLLLeB`'C#The Mayor shall appoint an official to inspect, at yearly intervals or on an irregular basis, the Center that is assigned with the works or has received the public subsidy pursuant to the foregoing provisions 1 and 2, to provide guidance or check the operational status thereof. DE LLLe&M0 LLLeLLLe`LLLeB`DE@LLLB`C`Article 19. (Support for Center) The Mayor may provide administrative or financial support to the activities of organizations which support Foreign Residents and Multicultural Families. D E!LLLS('LLL,LLLB`DE@X2LLLB`CArticle 20. (Together Day) DE@7LLLB`%C The Mayor shall declare the 20th of May each year to be the  Together Day of Daegu and a week commencing therefrom to be the  Together Week to promote awareness of cultural diversity and to embrace multicultural families. D E=LLL&M CLLLHLLLB`p%CThe Mayor may organize any of the following to commemorate the  Together Day of Daegu and the  Together Week : DEPNLLL&ISLLLB`((CCeremony and Cultural/Art/Sports Event; DE@YLLL0&B`;(C`Research announcement and international exchange programs; DE@_LLL0&B`(CAwarding  honorary City-resident card ; Encouragement of men/groups of merit (including foreign residents and multicultural families); DEdLLL0&GHjLLL0B`\(C Other events to promote the local interest in foreign residents and multicultural families DEoLLL0&DxuLLL0B`C@ DE@{LLL0B`DE@LLLB`CArticle 21. (Reward) DE@@LLLB`DE@؋LLLB` )C !The Mayor may reward an entity (including natural person, corporate entity, group) which has proven to have made a considerable contribution to the nation and to the local society through its supportive activities for foreign residents and multicultural families. DE pLLL&LLLLLLL8LLLB`o)C The procedure for the foregoing reward shall be subject to the Ordinance of Daegu Metropolitan City on Reward. DEЧLLL&LhLLLB`DE@LLLB`DE@LLLB`%CArticle 22. (Honorary City Resident) DE@0LLLB`DE@LLLB`*CThe Mayor may treat with honor any Foreign Resident by granting him/her the status of  Honorary City Resident , for the significant contribution he/she has made to the growth of the Region. DE`LLL&LLLLLLLB`*CThe treatment and awarding of the  Honorary City Resident Card , etc shall be subject to the Ordinance of Daegu Metropolitan City on Awarding of the  Honorary City Resident Card . DE(LLL&NLLLXLLLB`DE@LLL0B`DE@LLLB`CArticle 23. (Enforcement Regulation) Matters required to enforce this Ordinance shall be determined and established as the  Enforcement Regulation threof. D$E LLLPLLLB`DE@PLLLB`C Supplementary Provisions DE@LLLB`DE@LLLB`]C Article 1. (Effective Date) This Ordinance shall be effective from the date of announcement. D  E0 LLLOLLLB`DE@`LLLB`$CArticle 2. (Abolition of Ordinance) D E@LLLB`.CThe following ordinances shall be abolished. DE@!LLLB`E+COrdinance of Daegu Metropolitan City on Supporting Foreign Resident DE@('LLL&B`>+COrdinance of Daegu Metropolitan City on Multicultural Family D=E@,LLL&B`DE@X2LLLB`CArticle 3. (Interim Measures) DE@7LLLB`;C`'Any business in operation in accordance with  Ordinance of Daegu Metropolitan City on Supporting Foreign Resident or  Ordinance of Daegu Metropolitan City on Multicultural Family prior to the enactment of this Ordinance shall be deemed to have been established and in operation in accordance with this Ordinance. D . :E =LLLN CLLLHLLLPNLLL